Join us for the ABC12 Diaper Drive on Friday, June 2nd 2023 - We will be broadcasting live from 8am to 6pm at ELGA Credit Union on Center Road in Burton, and collecting donations at all ELGA Credit Union Locations. With your help, we can give every child something they deserve - the chance to be clean and safe. Together, we can help change babies and our community
diaper drive

- Diaper drive donor & mother
"We were struggling but we made it - and I'm trying to help as much as I can."
- Ashlie Stewart
"It was stressful. I was literally in tears. I had two girls in diapers at the same time. So, it was hard.
There's been times that I couldn't buy diapers and I came here. It's a saving grace really for us all."
- Flint mother
"Do I want to keep a roof over my baby's head or get them diapers?”